The Magpie Robin (Female) / DOEL (in Bengali)
The Magpie Robin is the national bird of Bangladesh. It is also known as Oriental Magpie Robin, Straits Robin & Magpie. Generally, it makes nest in the tropical southern Asia from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and east to China and Indonesia. It is found in woodland and around man habitation. It makes nest in a hole or in a wall and lays 3-6 eggs which are incubated by both sexes. It is called in Bangladesh "DOEL".
Photo info

The Magpie Robin (Female) / DOEL (in Bengali)

Camera : Nikon D7000
Focal Length : 300 mm
Shutter Speed : 1/125sec
Aperture : F/5.6
ISO / Film : 1600
Tags: The Magpie Robin (Female) / DOEL (in Bengali) Birda The Magpie Robin Animels Nature

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Thanks :-)

Shafiqul Islam Shiplu 10.02.2015 - 17:38
Meryemce like this.
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Meryemce 09.02.2015 - 14:46
Very Beautiful!

Maria Angela Fioretto 07.02.2015 - 16:30