Kentpark'tan III
Photo info

Kentpark'tan III

Camera : Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Lens : Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
Focal Length : 24 mm
Shutter Speed : 30 sn
Aperture : f/18
ISO / Film : 200
Tags: Kentpark'tan III oft kentpark çark adapazarı sakarya

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  • Faves16
  • Views938

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Bettina Bruns 06.02.2015 - 19:41
Ömer Faruk TANIR like this.
Danke schön Bettina :)

Ömer Faruk TANIR 06.02.2015 - 14:43
Bettina Bruns like this.
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Bettina Bruns 06.02.2015 - 13:57
Ömer Faruk TANIR like this.

Maria Angela Fioretto 06.02.2015 - 01:24
Ömer Faruk TANIR like this.