Rudbeckia Sunbeckia is characterized by very strong growth, good branching and at the same time compact shape. It has green leaves and flowers, which are very large and single yellow. It blooms from June to October. The flowers are very good for cutting, they stay fresh in a vase for a long time. Rudbeckia attracts many species of butterflies
plant shrub flowers yellow blooming garden
Flowers 19.09.2024A grape is a fruit, botanically a berry, of the deciduous woody vines of the flowering plant genus Vitis. Grapes are a non-climacteric type of fruit, generally occurring in clusters.
Eaten fresh or in dried form (as raisins, currants and sultanas), grapes also hold cultural significance in many parts of the world, particularly
food fruits grapes delicious ripe
Food 05.09.2024Duck is the common name for numerous species of waterfowl in the family Anatidae.
Ducks are mostly aquatic birds, and may be found in both fresh water and sea water.
animal bird duck pond water autumn
Birds 03.11.2023The Dalmatian pelican is the largest member of the pelican family, and perhaps the world's largest freshwater bird, although rivaled in weight and length by the largest swans. They are elegant soaring birds, with wingspans rivaling those of the great albatrosses, and their flocks fly in graceful synchrony.
animals birds pelicans white beak
Birds 05.10.2023Duck is the common name for numerous species of waterfowl in the family Anatidae. Ducks are generally smaller and shorter-necked than swans and geese, which are members of the same family. Ducks are mostly aquatic birds, and may be found in both fresh water and sea water.
A snail is a shelled gastropod.
When the word "snail" is used in this most general sense, it includes not just land snails but also numerous species of sea snails and freshwater snails. Gastropods that naturally lack a shell, or have only an internal shell, are mostly called slugs, and land snails that have only a very small
animal snail gastropod shell leave eating
Animals 31.07.2023Grapes are just ripening here.
Fruits Grapes Balochistan Nature Season Fresh
Plant 26.07.2023Pink Rose, Fresh
Rose flowers Plant Leaves Petals Colour Fragrance Nature Delicate Pink
Flowers 26.05.2023Fruit from crop vendors
A Common view along NH 25 through Sibi area during harvest season
Travel Balochistan Fruit Venders Highway
Travel 23.03.2023This baking method is practiced in Birahi people of Sarawan area Balochistan since prehistoric times.
A space is carved out in mudwall of homes, a stone baking plate is fixed in it in such a way that it is open to fire from back and front.
Only Dry leaves are used for fire.
Yeast added flour is used for bread which
#بیرزن نان، Bread Baking Fire Traditional Food Nomadic Balochistan
Food 23.06.2022İstanbul'un Latinler tarafından işgal edilmesinden sonra kaçan ve Trabzon'da 1204 yılında Trabzon imparatorluğunu kuran Komnenos Ailesinden Kral I.Manuel (1238-1263) tarafından 1250-1260 yılları arasında yaptırılan ve bir manastır kilisesi olan Ayasofya adı "Kutsal Bilgelik" anlamına gelir. Fatih Sultan Mehmed'in 1461
ayasofya ayasofyacamii trabzon yakupergenç
City & Architecture 25.12.2014İstanbul'un Latinler tarafından işgal edilmesinden sonra kaçan ve Trabzon'da 1204 yılında Trabzon imparatorluğunu kuran Komnenos Ailesinden Kral I.Manuel (1238-1263) tarafından 1250-1260 yılları arasında yaptırılan ve bir manastır kilisesi olan Ayasofya adı "Kutsal Bilgelik" anlamına gelir. Fatih Sultan Mehmed'in 1461
Trabzon Ayasofya Ayasofya Camii Kilise Müze
City & Architecture 10.07.2014Bienenfresser in Deutschland
Bienenfresser Vögel wildlife Birds Germany
Birds 05.06.2020Papagaio procurando buracos e frestas nos telhados das casas para fazer ninho. Uma raridade aqui em plena cidade de São Paulo.
Birds 19.10.2015