


The garden strawberry or simply strawberry is a widely grown hybrid species of the genus Fragaria, collectively known as the strawberries, which are cultivated worldwide for their fruit. Hermaphroditic flowers, composed of 5 white corolla petals or multiples thereof and a different number of sepals arranged in two whorls and a calyx.

plants flowers strawberries white blooming

Flowers 16.05.2024


A bird smaller than a gray heron. It does not occur naturally in Poland. In flight, features such as long wings and a short tail are clearly visible.
It breeds colonially on coastal or mountain cliff ledges, where it typically lays two to three eggs in a stick nest, and feeds on lizards, insects, and other small animals.

animal bird ibis black beak tree

Birds 29.02.2024


The northern bald ibis, hermit ibis, or waldrapp is a migratory Old World bird found in open areas such as grasslands, rocky habitats and semi-deserts, often close to running water.
It breeds colonially on coastal or mountain cliff ledges, where it typically lays two to three eggs in a stick nest, and feeds on lizards, insects,

animal bird black ibis beak water

Birds 25.02.2024

Village eldersمصافحہ، ہ

Our village people at Usta Mohammad village, Balochistan, Pakistan

People Baloch Village Elders Headgear Stick Aperal

People 06.10.2023

Wild, Chiltan Valley flower

Gwaarikh" گواڑخ
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

This is very special and UNIQUE Tulip veriety.
It is found only in 8500 + feet above sea level high valleys of Balochistan.
It is National flower of Balochistan.

Its unique things:

-It sprouts from ground

Wild flora Balochistan Chiltan Valley Flowers Blue Petals Beauty Nature Delicate

Flowers 30.12.2021


Dragonfly, perched on a delicate stick

Nature Portrait Animals Colourful Insects Balance

Insect 01.10.2021


Closeup of hand made wooden stick

Deep Macro Handicraft Fine Wood

Macro 29.06.2017


Wild, Chiltan Valley flower

Gwaarikh" گواڑخ
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

This is very special and UNIQUE Tulip veriety.
It is found only in 8500 + feet above sea level high valleys of Balochistan.
It is National flower of Balochistan.

Its unique things:

-It sprouts from ground

Wild flora Balochistan Chiltan Valley Flowers Blue Petals Beauty Nature Delicate

Flowers 30.12.2021


Closeup of hand made wooden stick

Deep Macro Handicraft Fine Wood

Macro 29.06.2017

predator and pray

A butterfly is captured by a stick insect by hiding on this flower branches. It camouflaged itself as branch and the poor butterfly fell pray. This is a handheld shot.

insect macro hunting wild nature

Insect 25.07.2014


Dragonfly, perched on a delicate stick

Nature Portrait Animals Colourful Insects Balance

Insect 01.10.2021

Sticky trap

Spider's Web in the forrest

Betty J Budd

Insect 24.06.2014

Village eldersمصافحہ، ہ

Our village people at Usta Mohammad village, Balochistan, Pakistan

People Baloch Village Elders Headgear Stick Aperal

People 06.10.2023


A bird smaller than a gray heron. It does not occur naturally in Poland. In flight, features such as long wings and a short tail are clearly visible.
It breeds colonially on coastal or mountain cliff ledges, where it typically lays two to three eggs in a stick nest, and feeds on lizards, insects, and other small animals.

animal bird ibis black beak tree

Birds 29.02.2024

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