
Avian Gymnast ❤️❤️

Our pet 'MITTHOO PUTER', a redneck green parrot

Parrot Playful Adorable Pet Bird Beautiful

Birds 23.02.2025


The spider species Araneus diadematus is commonly called the European garden spider, cross orbweaver, diadem spider, cross spider, and crowned orb weaver.
Individual spiders' colourings can range from extremely light yellow to very dark grey, but all A. diadematus spiders have mottled white markings across the dorsal abdomen,

animal spider colorful climbing net

Animals 25.09.2024


Hoverflies, also called flower flies make up the insect family Syrphidae. As their common name suggests, they are often seen hovering or nectaring at flowers; the adults of many species feed mainly on nectar and pollen, while the larvae (maggots) eat a wide range of foods. In some species, the larvae are saprotrophs, eating decaying

insect flower fly little flower garden

Insect 07.07.2024

Proud brother of a sister ⚜⚜⚜

Grandson, UKASHA with his sister MAAH-LAQAA, ماہ لقا

Baby Adorable Smile Hpoe Face Radiant

Portrait 06.06.2024


Chives are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. They contain especially a lot of vitamin C, but also vitamins B1 and B2, carotene, folic acid and numerous mineral salts: potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and chlorine. Due to its slightly spicy taste, chives have a very beneficial effect on the digestive system.

food vegetable chives green spring pot

Food 18.03.2024


Carousel ( temporary construction object ) a recreational device rotating around its own axis, carrying people sitting on the rim of the wheel.

object temporary portable device rotating children

Object 24.01.2024

Bhutto mesolium ⚜

Martyrs mesolium at LARKANA, Sindh, Pakistan
Here Z. A. Bhutto, Benazeer Bhutto & her 3 martyred brothers rest

Architecture Mesolium Domes Historical

City & Architecture 15.12.2023


The Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), also called sunroot, sunchoke, wild sunflower,[2] topinambur,[2] or earth apple, is a species of sunflower native to central North America.[3][4] It is cultivated widely across the temperate zone for its tuber, which is used as a root vegetable.[5]


Zoom in/out 17.11.2023

Orestes Pylades Monument, Karlsruhe / Germany

Artwork by Carl Johann Steinhäuser
Carl Johann Steinhäuser worked mainly in Bremen, Weimar and Karlsruhe, where he worked as a university lecturer from 1863 until he died in 1879. The neoclassical artwork pays tribute to the friendship between Orestes and Pylades, two figures in Greek mythology. In contrast to his work 'Hermann

Performing Arts 18.10.2023



Pentatomidae, Greek pente meaning five and tomos meaning section, are a family of insects belonging to order Hemiptera including some of the stink bugs and shield bugs. The scutellum body is typically half of an inch long, green or brown color, usually trapezoidal in shape, giving this family the name "shield bug". The tarsi are 3-segmented.

osuruk böceği Stink bug

Macro 06.06.2014

Sphodromantis viridis

Peygamberdevesi, Mantodea alttakımında yer alan ve hamam böcekleriyle birlikte Dictoptera takımını oluşturan yaklaşık 1.800 böcek türünün ortak adıdır. Tropik ve sıcak bölgelerde yaşayan, başka böcekler üzerinden beslenen böcek türlerinden oluşan bir familyadır. Bazı uzmanlar Dictyoptera’nın bu iki alttakımını

Peygamber Devesi Peygamberdevesi Peygamberdevesi resimleri Peygamber devesi fotoğrafları Sphodromantis viridis 12.10.2014 3N1C2709 e3 peygamber devesi mantis

Macro 16.10.2014

Old half-timbered building in Rothenburg

Old half-timbered building in Rothenburg of der Tauber, a well-known town in Germany. Altes Fachwerkhaus in Rothenburg am Marktplatz.

Fachwerkhaus half-timbered building Rothenburg ob der Tauber

City & Architecture 16.09.2014

Externsteine im Teutoburger Wald

Die Externsteine sind eine markante Sandstein-Felsformation im Teutoburger Wald und eine herausragende Natursehenswürdigkeit. Bereits 1926 wurden die Externsteine als eines der ältesten und bedeutendsten Naturschutzgebiete im Kreis Lippe unter Schutz gestellt. Auf dem Foto ist ein Teil der Externsteine zu sehen. Insgesamt gibt es

Externsteine Teutoburger Wald Wiembecke-Teich Herbst autumn Reflektion Reflection

Landscapes 11.11.2014

Felsenwohnungen in Graufthal / Elsass

Eine Sehenswürdigkeit der besonderen Art, die in Europa ihresgleichen sucht, stellen die Felsenhäuser von Graufthal, nur wenige Kilometer südlich von La Petite Pierre, dar. Wer auf der früher viel wichtigeren Verbindungs-straße Saverne - Phalsbourg - Sarre-Union unterwegs ist, dem fällt heute sofort an der Straße das Schild auf,

Travel 04.09.2018


(Amazona aestiva) - Blue-fronted Parrot.
Rarity in the city with risk of extinction.Free on top of a guava foot (goiabeira).

Birds 25.01.2017

Santa Marta Lighthouse Museum

It opened to the public in July 2007, and its model is unique in the country as it links spaces of exhibits with the function With an architecture project by Francisco and Manuel Aires Mateus and museological programme by Joaquim Boiça, the Farol Museu de Santa Marta (Santa Marta Lighthouse Museum) was restored based on a protocol

Uncategorized 24.03.2015

Thorny abstract

Thistle is the common name of a group of flowering plants characterised by leaves with sharp prickles on the margins, mostly in the family Asteraceae. Prickles occur all over the plant – on the stem and flat parts of leaves. They are an adaptation that protects the plant from being eaten by herbivores.

Thistle Macro Nature Free

Macro 06.10.2017

Red Kite - Roter Milan

Falknerhof Wisentgehege Springe

Red Kite Roter Milan

Birds 28.09.2014

Leuchtturm Neuland

Leuchturm Neuland: Der Turm wird seit 1996 nicht mehr für die reguläre Schifffahrt, sondern durch die Bundeswehr genutzt. Wenn die Marine Schießübungen in der Hohwachter Bucht durchführt, wird durch rote und gelbe Lichtblitze gewarnt.
Neuland Lighthouse: 1996 the tower was transferred to the German Navy. It warns with red

Leuchtturm Neuland Lighthouse Neuland Hohwacht Bay Hohwachter Bucht

Landscapes 04.01.2015

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